The Principles of Conflict

I'm David.

I have done everything.

Dave in the dojo

I’ve been a toiling peon, washing cars and cleaning toilets and I’ve been a white collar, corporate stiff.

I’ve been an athlete and a couch potato. (Or “potatoe”, if you’re Dan Quayle.)

I’ve fought the law, and fought for it.

I know the inner workings of modern microchips, but can’t get the damn printer to work.

Dave at work

I am generous to a fault, and a miser at the same time.

I’ve driven thousands of miles in solitude, flown across the ocean in an aero-party-bus and solved murder mysteries on trains.

I vote every election, but I don’t waste my vote on Republicans or Democrats.

I have gambled and I have played it safe.

I am a serial polyglot. I have learned to speak French. And I have forgotten it. I have learned to speak Spanish and I have forgotten that too. I am learning Mandarin and will no doubt forget that in good time.

Black Belt Certificate circa 1996

I've studied Tae Kwon Do, Kenpo, Judo, Boxing, Greco-Roman Wrestling, Hapkido, Aikido, Kumdo, Tai Chi Chuan, Win Tsun, Goju Shorie Weapons and a spattering of other things. For more than thirty five years, I've learned what I could. After all that, I'm certainly no master. But I have learned a few things. Mostly I've learned what NOT to do and mostly I've learned it the hard way. Pain is a great teacher.

I believe that “Out of the mouth of babes”…comes gibberish. And out of the mouths of children come platitudes which they have learned to recite back without understanding. Look to the old for wisdom, and it’s rare, even there.

I have acquired some wisdom and learned the folly of trying to share it unasked.